Super Mario Bros. 2
Clear levels in seven fantastical worlds!




Nintendo 3DS / 2DS
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Reviewed by Eric, prohibit reproduction without permission.

Super Mario Bros 2 is another extraordinary game from the Mario Series. This is a game that doesn’t necessarily look like the original Super Mario series adventure. You won’t see a lot of old things like Koopa King who is the final boss or the hammer brothers or just those characters you expected to see in every generation of the game. You see frogs in alternative and you won’t be in the mushroom kingdom in this series.


The game mechanism and the whole gameplay are different than before and background settings and enemies seem completely different than the previous generation. If this is your first time trying out the Mario Series, you probably won’t notice all those details, but if you are the largest fan of the series, you will notice so many changes in this new gen and you might be overwhelmed if you are someone who doesn’t like changes. Although things are different in this Super Mario Bros 2, it’s still a wonderful game that is liked all the time and also played ever since by the fans of the Mario Series around the world.


Well, in this generation, you will have chances to be someone you want to be in the Super Mario Bro 2 generation, so it means you don’t necessarily have to be Mario to finish the game just keep in mind, it’s always good to try something new on a game. Each character has their unique abilities and each one of them is adaptable under different circumstances. It’s the player's choice to decide if they want to try something new or use the character the most or even think about who would be the best fit for the challenges and levels. This generation is more open and allows for a lot of exploration and you can certainly do more with freedom in this generation of Mario World.


The thing about Mario Series makes this series so great despite the nostalgic feelings and the memories of the game, it’s a great Series with so many things to try. The games created by Nintendo are mostly positively reviewed and can be understood as a game series that everyone should try in their lifetime. The game is great enough that every generation of the series can be played over and over again even nowadays. I still remember myself as a kid trying out the Mario Series for the first time. It can be described as something with the most fun at the time. I love the graphics of the Super Mario Bro 2 and I feel the difficulty of the game just feels right the gameplay is awesome and enjoy beating bosses and getting through the objective. The blocks and enemies on the way were quite tricky to deal with but I think if you are a persistent player, you will be okay as long as you are trying your best in the game.


Overall, this generation might be different in so many ways, but it’s still a great game that is worth you spend your time on there. I would recommend anyone from anywhere and no matter how old you are to try out this game. I mean like not just Super Mario Bros 2, but all the other generations are good and worth your time checking it out. If you haven’t spent any time on adventurous games like Super Mario Bros, then you are missing a lot from the video game industry. You should most definitely play this game while feeling tired and overwhelmed because you will be easily distracted from your troubles in the real world and have a relaxing time figuring out ways to finish challenges in the Mario world.